Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rainy Days in May

Hey Readers!
Hope your week is going well....I don't know about you but I have had enough of this cool, overcast, damp rainy weather..oh wait a minute..I live in New England..wait five minutes, it will change!

Well, I got to spend the day at home today...Erin, our awesome nanny, isn't feeling well, so Momma took over...we went to the York Public Library for a good hour or so...Ab loved it...met some new people and new kids...hope to arrange some playdates for Ab soon...

Ab finally decided to take a nap...she loves to fight them but once she goes down, she is a happy camper.  A nap on a day like this seems great but I have to get stuff done, like update my website and my blog...

check out my website...some changes were made...hope you like them but more so, find them pleasing enough to spread the word about my company, what I do and how affordable I make it! 

If you own a small business, need a website or can refer someone to me, please let me know...I can give the referring party a discount on my services, if they need website/ecommerce needs or some social media assistance...

That's it for now!  Have a great afternoon and happy blogging!


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